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Father reunited with children after parental alienation

A Father from London now sees his children after Mother stopped all contact for almost two years.  This suspension of contact followed years of litigation over finance and the children.  This Father had either instructed expensive London lawyers or been acting in person and was, after over many years of court proceedings, facing the real possibility that he would not see his children again.  He then instructed Helen Fitzsimons in May 2017 who immediately put in an application for psychological assessment of the family and an application that if contact could not resume and be supported by the Mother there should be a transfer of residence.  The evidence subsequently filed on behalf of the Father and the psychological assessment supported the Father’s case that he was a victim of parental alienation and the children had suffered emotional harm as a result of the Mother’s behaviour.  At an interim hearing in September 2017, only some four months after instruction, Helen Fitzsimons appeared against Queen’s Counsel instructed by the Mother and was able to secure sensible child arrangements for the children to spend time with their Father which included half of all school holidays.  She also obtained a provision that if these child arrangements were not adhered to or if the Mother did not support those arrangements the Father could restore the matter to Court in respect of the change of residence.   Contact resumed one week after the Court hearing which has been a complete success.   The Father is understandably delighted.

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Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a group of behaviours that are damaging to children’s mental and emotional well-being



Arbitration is the private, judicial determination of a dispute, by an independent third party

Second Opinion & Change of Solicitor

Second Opinion & Change of Solicitor

Sometimes you just want to have reassurance that the advice you have been given is the best for you and your family

Child Arrangements

Child Arrangements

Where parents cannot agree arrangements in respect of their children and bring the matter before the Court

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