Service & Fees
We aim to provide an excellent service for our clients and are delighted with the reputation we have for client care. Where necessary we can be available out of standard office hours and provide the bespoke service often required by busy clients.
Email is the preferred mode of communication as we can receive and send information from the office and or otherwise working remotely. Our aim is to respond within 24 hours unless a more urgent answer is required. Email is also more environmentally friendly as it reduces the pressures on our forests, eco-system and road network. However if you do not have email facilities or require information by post please do let us know.
Initial Consultation
Helen Fitzsimons Family Law are very experienced Solicitors who have worked in the legal field for almost 30 years. We are committed and available during and outside of office hours to assist clients and we work with experienced experts and barristers with whom we have developed excellent working relationships. We can offer a preliminary telephone discussion at no charge. Please contact us for more information or to arrange an appointment.
Hourly rate and costs estimates
You, your family and your circumstances are unique to you and your family. We are happy to discuss your individual case and provide a costs estimate that applies to the service you require. This is likely to depend upon the stage your case has reached, the complexity of the work involved and the urgency for which work is required. Please contact us .
Unbundled service
In some circumstances we are happy to offer a service whereby we support and advise you at various stages of your case but do not have a retainer to represent you throughout the proceedings. Please contact us if you wish to discuss this in more detail.
Legal Aid
You are likely to be eligible for Legal Aid if:-
• Social Services are involved,
• You have been advised of a child protection conference (subject to means and merits eligibility),
• A meeting before proceedings/pre-proceedings meeting has been convened (not subject to means or merits eligibility so Legal Aid is automatic if you are a birth parents/have parental responsibility)
• Care proceedings have been issued (not subject to means or merits eligibility so Legal Aid is automatic if you are a birth parent/have parental responsibility)
• There has been domestic violence
Please do contact us if you wish us to consider your eligibility for Legal Aid.